Spring Forward with Savings Sale! Ends 03/13

Tracer 165 Kayak

Tracer 165 Kayak

So you’ve been hypnotized by the concept of “composite?” You know, thinking that the only way to get a sleek, agile high-performance kayak is to drop a serious bundle on a composite boat. Wake up and meet the Tracer 165. The Tracer 165 paddles like it’s on proverbial rails, carving fast lines you’ve only dreamed about. This light stiff kayak transitions between inland lakes and coastal waters with ease, and with the subtle British-inspired rocker and moderate V hull, the Tracer 165 doesn’t so much float as dance on the surface. There’s storage fore and aft, plus boatloads of comfort in the cockpit, and you can even add a rudder for added handling. Full disclosure ― there’s only one thing the Tracer 165 doesn’t come with . . . a composite price tag. You’re welcome.

Key to Ideal Use
1 = Quiet lakes and rivers
2 = Day touring quiet coastal waters and larger lakes
3 = Coastal waters, day trips, overnight tripping
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