Walker Bay 275R RID Kit

The 2019 Walker Bay RID 275R Kit plus the 2019 Walker Bay Original 8 hull is a perfect boat for those who want more carrying capacity and a larger HP motor in the same size as the popular RID 270. Features include a large cockpit area for passengers & cargo, and a hull that puts out a minimal wake, tracking easily while under tow.
Editor Review! This boat was not really designed for an inflatable rib to be attached to it. There is sharp edge under the entire outer lip of the boat where the inflatable rib hits it. Given the amount of weight and vibrations of the wave action we feel this is a design flaw and should be addressed by walker bay. It really needs a rounded hull area to properly hold the inflatable tube so that it doesn't wear down prematurely.
2019 Walker Bay RID 275R Kit Features: