Aquastar JS 270 Roll Up Boat

This model has been designed for spacious comfort and capacity.
The Roll Up models with laminated marine plywood slat floors are called rollup models, which are made in four sizes. The roll-up models are specifically designed fro short trips and are made fro propulsion with oars and suitable to mount small engines. It comfortably and safely seats up to three people. These are the easiest boats to assemble. Just unroll then inflate and you are ready to go. They’re comfortable to carry and easy to store inside any size car makes it the ideal boat for fishing small lakes.
JS 270 Roll Up Boat Standard Features:
- 5 year Warranty on seams and fabric
- Towing D-rings
- Removable wooden seat
- A pair of 2-piece joinable oars
- Oar holders
- Life ropes on both sides
- Lifting handle on both sides
- Repair kit
- Carry bag
- Foot pump
- Marine plywood transom
- Aluminum motor mount
JS 270 Roll Up Boat
Length: 8' 9"
Width: 4' 11"
Weight: 55
Capacity: 3 Person
Maximum Load: 990 lbs
Max HP: 8 hp
Floor: 4 - Slat
Manufacturer: Aquastar
Payments as low as $80 per month
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