Spring Forward with Savings Sale! Ends 03/13

Beach Pedal Boat

Beach Pedal Boat

This Commercial grade beach pedal boat has built in beach wheels. Easy grip handles on the front and extra padding in the back for storing strait up against a wall. This combination of portability, quality construction and space saving upright storage ability makes this pedal unique in the market place. Designed by beach front resorts for beach front resorts, this boat. excellent to use as a swim platform, a fishing vessel, for picnicking, sight seeing, or for exercising and of course anything else you can think of.

Self Bailing: When using the boat insert the supplied drain plugs into the drain holes to prevent water to enter the crank well during usage. When the boat is not in use, "parked " at your dock remember to take the drain plugs out so the rain water can drain into the lake (pond).

Beach Pedal Boat
Built in Wheels
Length: 8'7"
Width: 5'4"
Height: 28"
Weight: 189 lbs.
Seating: 4
2 Adults 2 Children
Material: Fiberglass
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