Spring Forward with Savings Sale! Ends 03/13

Gas Powered 2.0 HP 4-Stroke Camo Trolling Motor

Gas Powered 2.0 HP 4-Stroke Camo Trolling Motor

2020 Gas Powered 2.0 HP 4-Stroke Camo Trolling Motor Specs Engine: 49cc"s 2.0 HP
Speed: 4mph
Shaft: Adjustable
Trolling Modes: 4 Tilt / Trim Options
Engine Type: Unleaded Regular Gas
Carburetion: Pulsating
Steering: Tiller Built with Throttle Control and Lock Idle Speed Control
Starting System: Recoil
Coil Type: CDI
Safety Switch: Engine Stop Switch
Oil Type: SAE 10w30 or SAE 10w40
Engine Oil Qty: 6.0oz
Gear Box Oil: Marine Grease
Fuel Tank Capacity: 32oz Built In Tank
Engine Make: Mitsubishi and Honda Components
Drive System: Centrifugal Clutch Neutral Safety Idle
Cooling System: Air Cooled
Exhaust System: Muffler Glass Packed
R.P.M Range: 2400 - 5000
Idle Speed: 1200rpm
Turn Radius: 360 Degree
Weight: 20 lbs.
Propeller Type: Polypropylene
Housing Material: Marine Grade Aluminum
Will move inflatable boats, dinghies, sail boats (12' - 14') with a total weight of 750 lbs. max.

*Metal weights may vary from finished product to finished product; therefore there may be a weight difference of 2 lbs. - 4 lbs.

This an easily repairable air cooled motor. Any lawnmower repair shop should be able to repair this. It is not returnable to the factory under any circumstances. There is a one year manufacturer warranty. They need to be contacted to pay any local repair bills that fall within the warranty period. The paperwork including more detail about the warranty will be included with the motor. *Loose motors are sold online only and are not returnable for any reason!
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